What to expect on Sundays

We welcome you to our worship

Sunday 9:45 am
We begin with a short time of praise, followed by an all age slot including a reading, short talk and prayer.  Currently we do not have regular Junior Church on a Sunday, but we can always make arrangements if children join us unexpectedly. They might go into another room at this time  where they explore their faith in an interactive way.  The adults stay in the sanctuary for the rest of the service which includes Bible readings, prayers, hymns and a talk (the sermon). Coffee and tea are served after the service, and many people stay for a chat. The service is shared on Zoom and will shortly shared on other media as well.

Sunday 6:15 pm evening services 

These are held irregularly on one Sunday evening in the month. These services are attended by just a few people, who enjoy worshipping together in a less formal setting. The service may be reflective or a regular format and is usually  a communion service. Please check the weekly service details here to ensure there is a service.

A few more  quick points, but for more details about Sunday Services, see our F.A.Q section.

  • There are Bibles in the chair backs if you wish to follow the readings visually
  • We have a weekly offertory for the work of the church or good causes, this is collected by members during the service, but please do not feel you have to donate, many members donate directly online and they just allow the bag to go past them-so there are always a number not putting money in them.