All of our rooms are available for booking. We are also unable to allow groups to meet in the Coffee Bar area as there is limited ventilation there and it is a communal access area.
To enquire about details or availability, please contact Peter Matchett
All rooms are rented at £12.50 per hour except for the crèche which is £8.50 per hour. Party bookings there is a minimum charge of 4hrs + a £50 damage deposit, returnable if no damage done.
Rooms and grounds are accessible to wheelchair users, we have a disabled toilet and a loop system is available in the Sanctuary and Blake Room
North Room
Blake Room
Kitchen & Coffee bar
All times are to include time required to set up and clear away after the meeting/event.
The Sanctuary is only rented occasionally and would not be used for club meetings of any description other than on rare occasions.
The kitchen facilities are shared by all users in the building. On very rare occasions it might be possible to arrange exclusive use but this would involve an extra charge.