May 2023 Messy Church
Who will help us? How do we know Jesus is with us?
The session was linked to Pentecost as we thought about how we know Jesus is with us. We made crosses, reminding us that Jesus helps us, we thought about the different sorts of prayers we can say-thank you, sorry, please , help and listen and decorated containers and sticks so that we could take out one stick each time we pray, to give us a focus.Paint was used in two activities(were we mad?) -To make hand prints which were decorated with beaks and eyes- to make doves, reminding us of the HolySpirit and also blowing red paint through straws on a map of the world, to show how the Holy Spirit spread throughout the world. The food activity was slightly different from usual as we made trees on plates using twiglets, cream cheese and grapes-to help us think about what helps us grow and like a tree grows-how do we change? The activity which caused the most fun was to think about what “powers” us-in the same way as air powered the balloons which we blew up and then let them go to travel along some thread-seeing whose arrived first!The day ended with worship as we participated in the story of Pentecost-waving our arms like a strong wind, shaking with fear, moving our hands like flames or fluttering like a dove.Bolognaise sauce and pasta followed by Viennetta rounded off a lovely day.